Dragonflies Therapies offers a range of Holistic Therapies, with Cathie Lowe having over 35 years of experience in the Complementary Health industry and 16 years of teaching in FE. Situated in a beautiful setting in Highworth. Treatments available … Bowen Technique, Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Hot Stones and Warm Bamboo Massage, Facials using the natural and organic, Tropic Skincare, Foot treatments, Chakra Balancing, System Balance and Food intolerance checks using Kinesiology techniques, Nutritional Advice and Hopi Ear Candling. Please click for more information
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The Joint Services Command and Staff College (JSCSC) trains the future commanders and staff officers of all three UK Armed Services and those from many countries around the world.
Formed in 1998 from the amalgamation of the Single Service Staff Colleges, the JSCSC moved to its current site at Shrivenham in 2000.
Defence Academy College of Management and Technology is the largest of the three main colleges of the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. http://www.da.mod.uk/colleges/cmt
Cranfield Defence & Security Experts from Academia and Officers of the British Armed Forces research and teach Defence Management, Science and Technology. Cranfield Defence and Security became part of the newly formed Defence Academy of The United Kingdom on 1st April 2002. http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/cds/
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